GLUCOMAG is a sports supplement based on maltodextrin, fructose, magnesium, and potassium, designed for athlete recovery and performance. The maltodextrin (70%) provides adequate glucose levels instantly, promoting the replenishment of optimal levels in a short period of time. It also provides 30% fructose, which allows for medium-term energy production and the hepatic glycogen storage process. Magnesium and potassium are two essential minerals in sports practice, as they intervene in more than 300 metabolic processes involved in both energy supply and muscle recovery. This combination allows it to be not only a source of energy, but also a perfect recovery aid to prevent cramps, contractures, and other possible discomfort experienced by an athlete during exercise. Furthermore, they contribute to the proper functioning of the neuromuscular system, improving performance in endurance sports. This makes it an essential product in any athlete's nutritional supplement.