For the treatment of sore throats, difficulty swallowing, and irritation caused by various inflammations of the throat and pharynx. For voice protection in cases of hoarseness, intense vocal effort, and dry airways. Emser Pastillas® salted caramel do not contain essential oils and can be safely taken during homeopathic treatment. For children (recommended for ages 3 and up) and adults. Children up to 6 years old can suck one lozenge up to 4 times a day, as needed, or let it melt slowly in the mouth. Children over 6 years old and adults can take up to a maximum of 12 lozenges throughout the day. Suitable for pregnant women. Not suitable for children under 3 years of age. Do not take Emser Pastillas® salted caramel if you have a known allergy to its ingredients. People on special diets should note the following information: 1 pastille contains 1 mmol (approx. 0.04 g) of sodium, approx. 0.00063 mg of iodine (as iodide), and 1.0 g of sugar, approx. 0.1 BE. Please observe the respective contents if you are on a diet. Gluten-free, lactose-free. Suitable for vegans. Suitable for pregnant women.