Oligophytum® is the first range of natural microelements presented for easy assimilation, in the form of micro-tablets to be dissolved under the tongue.
This original and practical form ensures the direct passage of microelements into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive barriers. The underside of the tongue is rich in fine blood capillaries and constitutes an ideal route for penetration into the body. Oligophytum allows for a selective supply of natural microelements obtained through ecological dynamics. These microelements have been obtained from the roots of plants in soil not treated with synthetic fertilizers. They are then energized through a natural technical process.
Instructions for use:
Take 5 granules before breakfast and 5 granules before dinner, allowing them to dissolve under the tongue. Do not exceed the expressly recommended daily dose. The product should be kept out of the reach of children under three years of age. Food supplements should not be used as a substitute for a balanced diet or a healthy lifestyle.