Infisport Creatine is the purest, highest-quality creatine monohydrate (100% Creapure), free of additives. Creatine supplementation has been shown to increase muscle phosphocreatine stores, thus improving athletic performance.
In short-duration, maximum-intensity efforts (10-12 seconds), such as sprints, jumps, throws, strength exercises in the gym, etc., and also in team sports, which always involve interval efforts, the energy used by the muscles comes from the sources of ATP and phosphocreatine stored in the muscle.
We know that ATP is the main source of energy used by muscles to transform chemical energy into mechanical energy. Once the muscle's ATP is depleted (which occurs within 4-5 seconds), it needs to be resynthesized, and this occurs during this type of exercise, from the muscle's phosphocreatine stores. In these cases, fatigue is associated with the depletion of the muscle's phosphocreatine stores.
However, phosphocreatine stores are also limited, so they are even more necessary when physical activity is prolonged. If these exercises are also repetitive or intermittent, not only will the amount of phosphocreatine present in the muscle be important, but also the rate of its resynthesis.
It has been scientifically proven that supplemental creatine intake increases phosphocreatine stores and, therefore, the necessary ATP . The result will be improved performance in high-intensity, short-duration sports, especially if they are repetitive. Furthermore, it significantly increases phosphocreatine resynthesis during rest periods, thus shortening recovery time.
For all the above reasons, Infisport Creatine is a product widely used by those who practice explosive sports and by athletes who alternate periods of maximum effort with periods of recovery or lesser effort.
Creatine supplementation also results in increased muscle mass volume.
For this reason, athletes interested in increasing their muscle mass naturally and in a short period of time turn to creatine supplementation with the highest purity and safety found in Infisport Creatine.
It comes in bottles containing 300 grams of creatine (100% creapure).
Instructions for use:
Dissolve the product in 100-200 ml of water or juice and drink immediately.